East of Doing Business Rankings

Can ‘Good’ Economics Coexist with ‘Bad’ Politics?
By Simon Commander
Across the former Soviet Union, improved rankings for selective governance indicators tend to give a misleading view of governments' ability to reform themselves.

Why the World Bank Torched its ‘Ease of Doing Business’ Ranking
By James Guild
In addition to encouraging bad economic policy-making, the ranking incentivized nations to game the system.

Afghanistan Declared a Top Improver in 2019 Doing Business Ranking
By Ahmad W. Majidyar
Climbing 16 places, the World Bank names Afghanistan as a top improver in its latest Doing Business report.

India Rises in Ease of Doing Business Rankings, But Reforms Still Pending
By Aman Thakker
India continues to lag in several factors, underscoring the need for further reforms.
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