

Checking in on Waste Management Projects in Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan

Checking in on Waste Management Projects in Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan

By Ryskeldi Satke
The EBRD is facilitating the introduction of green technologies, waste recovery and recycling systems in both countries, but more information is needed on progress and impacts.
Public Participation, the Achilles Heel of International Investments in Uzbekistan

Public Participation, the Achilles Heel of International Investments in Uzbekistan

By Michaela Kožmínová and Nina Lesikhina
People living in the settlements adjacent to landfills slated for expansion under an EBRD project were not adequately consulted.

Economic Resilience in Central Asia Amid Russian War in Ukraine

Economic Resilience in Central Asia Amid Russian War in Ukraine

By Catherine Putz
On the back of high remittances and oil and gas revenues, the outlook for Central Asia’s economies has improved. But it’s not all good news.

How to Make Samarkand a Truly Green City

How to Make Samarkand a Truly Green City

By Darina Solod and Nina Lesikhina
Samarkand recently joined the EBRD's Green Cities program. Will it help citizens be heard?

The West Is Missing Asia’s Coal Opportunity

The West Is Missing Asia’s Coal Opportunity

By Andrew Witthoeft
Western governments should look at coal as an opportunity to lift a significant proportion of the world’s population out of poverty.
EBRD Approves First New Projects for Uzbekistan Since 2007

EBRD Approves First New Projects for Uzbekistan Since 2007

By Catherine Putz
After a decade-long gap, the European bank is returning to financing new projects in Uzbekistan.

Uzbekistan's Next Step: Renewed International Engagement

Uzbekistan's Next Step: Renewed International Engagement

By Catherine Putz
High-level officials from international organizations are making the pilgrimage to Tashkent after years of rough relations.
Return to Tashkent: EBRD President in Uzbekistan to Discuss Revamping Cooperation

Return to Tashkent: EBRD President in Uzbekistan to Discuss Revamping Cooperation

By Catherine Putz
After a decade, the EBRD may be returning to Uzbekistan – riding optimism that a new regime can chart a new course.

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