Economic Growth

Realities Clash With Idealism in Today’s Asia
By Walter Lohman
The reality of what China’s rise means to different regional stakeholders must inform American policy.

How Does Industrial Espionage Affect Economic Growth?
By Robert Farley
A new economic paper argues that industrial espionage works.

China Warns US Not to Hike Rates
By Sara Hsu
The finance minister is worried about slowing growth in emerging markets.

Urbanization and Migration in Developing Asia
By Asit K. Biswas and Cecilia Tortajada
Urbanization is a complex challenge, with implications that are difficult to forecast.

World Bank Warns on Global Growth
By Anthony Fensom
The organization cuts its growth forecast again, and predicts mixed fortunes for the Asia-Pacific in 2015.

Can China’s Leaders “Get Over” Their Growth Obsession?
The growth rate has long been the sole criterion of effective governance in China. Things may be changing.

Chinese Lead World in Economic Optimism
Although expert opinion has soured on China’s growth prospects, 88 percent of Chinese citizens remain optimistic.

The Curious Case of China's GDP Figures
Economists increasingly doubt the reliability of China’s economic data, and for good reason.

China Powers “Two World” Economy
A recent report tells investors to think of the global economy in terms of “two separate narratives.”

A Better Year: 2013 Forecast for Asian Economies
After a tough year in 2012, the IMF and World Bank expect many Asian economies to recover.

OECD: Asia To Remain Global Engine of Growth
With advanced economies remaining sluggish, Asia will continue to power the global economy.

China’s GDP Numbers: A Mixed Bag
While the economy has slowed, opinions vary on what comes next. Is another boom possible?
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