Economic reform

Global Economy: Is Time Running Out For Reform?
By Anthony Fensom

Why Xi Jinping Is China's Putin
By Yang Hengjun

With Shanghai FTZ, Is CCP Opening Pandora’s Box?
If the CCP is hoping for limited reforms with the new free trade zone, it might get more than it bargained for.

How China’s Economic Rebalancing is like the Movie 'Speed'
Like the bus in Speed, China’s economy must continue cruising along or else risk imploding.

Let’s Hope Xi Jinping’s a Maoist
Many are worried by the Chinese president’s embrace of Maoism. Should we be cheering instead?

China Pushes Ahead With Financial Reform… Cautiously
Chinese leaders are crossing the river by feeling the stones, but the river is proving to be wider than expected.

Divisions Emerge Among China’s Leaders
Amid slowing growth rates, growing dissent appears to afflict parts of government.

The “Hidden” Costs of China’s Bad Loans
Non-performing loans may not bring down China’s banks, but they will hinder its economic transition.

Must Separate the Party and Economy in China?
The new administration has signaled that it wants to decentralize the economy. Can it overcome resistance?

Channeling Deng Xiaoping
The destination of Xi Jinping’s first domestic trip as party leader sends a signal he may be following a familiar path.

A Roll of the Dice: North Korea's Economic Reform Gamble
There are mixed signs change may lie ahead for North Korea’s troubled economy. While reform is possible, big challenges lie ahead.