
South Korea Needs a Welfare State
By Steven Denney

Must Separate the Party and Economy in China?
The new administration has signaled that it wants to decentralize the economy. Can it overcome resistance?

China's Economy: Heading For Trouble?
The HSBC China April flash PMI has surprised many. Are the days of high-flying economic growth over?
Gold Loses Its Glitter
After 12 straight years of gains, is the bull market for gold dead?

China’s Thatcher Moment?
“Thatcher’s privatization of powerful but inefficient state owned enterprises has great relevance for Chinese leaders today.”

California Dreamin'... About China
California’s Governor spent the week in China in a bid to develop stronger ties across multiple fronts. Did he succeed?

On the Rebound? America and Japan
With the world economy struggling, “Dr. Doom” predicts America and Japan maybe on the comeback trail.

Xi Jinping's Economic Challenge
Xi faces an uphill battle in trying to reform the economy. State-owned enterprises would be a good place to start.

A Dying Model: Chinese Capitalism
China’s impressive growth is based on cheap labor, high levels of investment, and Western exports. Can it survive?

Forget Europe: Is the Real Debt Crisis in Japan?
While the world worries about Greece and Spain, Japan also has its share of debt problems. Are financial markets missing the real problem?

China and Australia's Coming Economic 'Divorce'
Why “decoupling” may be the new buzzword as both nations rebalance their economies.

Tourism and Foreign Investment: Tackling the Easy Problems
Could a boost in tourism and investment from abroad help America’s economic recovery?