

Chinese Universities Are on the Rise

Chinese Universities Are on the Rise

By Connor Horsfall and Pippa Ebel
China's higher education landscape remains varied in quality and scope, but the progress made is undeniable.
Reassessing Social and Human Sciences Research in the Asia-Pacific

Reassessing Social and Human Sciences Research in the Asia-Pacific

By Phinith Chanthalangsy
In a world obsessed with “quick-fix” solutions, can research in the social and human sciences counter the appeal of narrow ideologies?

Mind the Remote Learning Gap in ASEAN

Mind the Remote Learning Gap in ASEAN

By Lim Cher Ping, Geoffrey M. Ducanes, Nicola Nixon, and Pitchanuch Supavanich
As a result of COVID-19, the educational gap is expected to widen across ASEAN.

EdTech in Rural China

EdTech in Rural China

By Layne Vandenberg
EdTech companies are starting to address the urban-rural disparity in educational opportunities prevalent throughout China.

Distance Learning During the COVID-19 Lockdown in India

Distance Learning During the COVID-19 Lockdown in India

By Vishal Arora
An Indian tutor teaches from her balcony with kids sitting a floor below
Nicholas Wyman on How COVID-19 Will Affect Asia and the Global Economy

Nicholas Wyman on How COVID-19 Will Affect Asia and the Global Economy

By Ankit Panda
Nicholas Wyman addresses how COVID-19 will change the way the world works, studies, and travels.

Confronting Southeast Asia’s Big Education Challenge

Confronting Southeast Asia’s Big Education Challenge

By David Hutt
Regional countries have yet to confront serious remaining problems in their education systems.
Singapore’s New Yale-NUS Controversy: Was Academic Freedom Violated?

Singapore’s New Yale-NUS Controversy: Was Academic Freedom Violated?

By Alicja Polakiewicz
Did the cancellation of an event on dissent challenge the college’s commitment to academic freedom?

Fixing Uzbekistan’s Broken University Admissions Process

Fixing Uzbekistan’s Broken University Admissions Process

By Dilnoza Ubaydullaeva
When getting into university is based mostly on an entrance exam, high school doesn't really matter -- only exam prep does.

In Kazakhstan, Regional Inequalities Undercut Overall Educational Progress

In Kazakhstan, Regional Inequalities Undercut Overall Educational Progress

By Aigerim Kopeyeva
Looking at the “bigger picture” is not always best.

Kazakhstan's Teachers: Underpaid, Overburdened, and Undervalued

Kazakhstan's Teachers: Underpaid, Overburdened, and Undervalued

By Aigerim Kopeyeva
What can be done to better support Kazakhstan's teachers?
In Kazakhstan, Educating Children with Disabilities Remains a Challenge

In Kazakhstan, Educating Children with Disabilities Remains a Challenge

By Catherine Putz
Kazakhstan's approach to inclusive education and “negative attitudes” affect the education of children with disabilities.

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