
When Football Meets Politics
It would be nice if football was separate from politics. In Asia as in elsewhere, though, that’s not the case.

India Still Quiet on Egypt
If India is to fulfill its great power aspirations, it needs to have something to say on events in Egypt and Syria.

China’s Arab Spring Cyber Lessons
The Arab Spring has offered some useful pointers for countries such as China about what works in suppressing dissent — and what is counterproductive.

How China Sees Middle East
The US and Israel will be the big losers from the Arab Spring, while Egypt will be a winner, say Chinese analysts.

India’s Arab Spring Opportunity
New Delhi has a golden opportunity to assist in supporting democratic regimes in the Arab World. It’s in its own interests to seize this chance.

How Iran Defeated Obama
The US is making a mistake in demonising Iran, says Patrick Seale. Obama should have seized the chance to engage.

Why Jasmine Died in China
Fear, lack of information and a government crackdown killed the chances of a Jasmine Revolution here.

Indonesia and Egypt's Democracy
Egypt is said to have turned to Indonesia to help organise polls. There are some remarkable parallels between them.

How Jasmine Looks to Chinese
Few in China actually know about the Jasmine rallies called for each Sunday in Beijing’s Wangfujing.

Why India Can’t Ignore Libya
Democracy might help curb revolution in India, but its leadership must still learn from uprisings in the Arab world.

China Cracks Down Over Jasmine
A big show of police force in major cities follows Internet calls for a Chinese Jasmine Revolution.

Living in a Despot’s Walled Garden
North Korea’s development of a walled garden ‘app’ is only the most extreme example of what governments may do to restrict web access.