Environmental Issues

Indian Scientist’s Work Could Help Fight Environmental Challenges in South Asia
By StoriesAsia
As South Asia battles several challenges emanating from climate change, research such as Jagannath Biswakarma's stands to make a difference.

Capitalizing on India’s Eco-friendly Culinary Traditions
By Krzysztof Iwanek
To be fashionably modern, all that Indian cuisine has to do is be itself.

China’s New Silk Road Could Expand Asia’s Deserts
By Liu Qin
Desertification, soil degradation, and drought are serious issues in most of the countries along the Belt and Road.

Explaining Kazakhstan’s Mysterious Sleeping Sickness
By Catherine Putz
The latest theories look to carbon monoxide poisoning to explain Kalachi's bizarre sleeping sickness.

Kyrgyzstan: Between a Glacier and a Gold Mine
By Catherine Putz
The unending headache that is Kumtor continues. This time the conflict is over the mine's environmental impact.
Central Asia’s Environmental Sins
By Catherine Putz
The number of dead saiga antelope keeps climbing, and National Geographic profiles the depressing saga of Aral Sea.

The Environmental Consequences of India’s Growth Model
By Gaurav Daga
India seems unprepared for the potential environmental outcomes of its development policies.

A Gurgaon Shame
In the Delhi’s ‘Millennium City,’ progress is definitely not going to the birds.
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