ethnic Chinese

Demanding a Loyalty Test From Chinese Australians Will Backfire
By Grant Wyeth
By targeting Chinese Australians for questioning about political loyalties, Australian politicians play right into the CCP’s hands.

Ringing in Chinese New Year in Indonesia
By Agoes Rudianto
The festival of Grebeg Sudiro celebrates ethnic Chinese heritage in Indonesia, where such celebrations were banned under Suharto.

Lee Kuan Yew’s Legacy for China-Singapore Relations
By Chen Nahui and Xue Li
LKY's efforts to balance between China and the US still shape Singaporean diplomacy, including on the South China Sea.

Indonesia at 71: Ups and Downs of a Democratic Giant
By Max Walden
As Indonesia celebrates its independence, it is worth considering where it has been and where it is going.

Canadian or Chinese? Foreign Citizenship Brought Into Question
By Cal Wong
Visa authorities are demanding Canadians of Chinese descent apply as Chinese nationals when traveling to China.

Malaysia's Chinese Diaspora: The Other Side of the Story
By Bochen Han
Conventional narratives overlook the marginalization of ethnic Chinese in Malaysia -- especially the Chinese poor.

Overseas Chinese and the Crimea Crisis
By Zachary Keck
Russia's annexation of Crimea could embolden China to intervene in Southeast Asia and Russia's Far East.
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