

New EU Strategy for Central Asia: All About Balance

New EU Strategy for Central Asia: All About Balance

By Fabienne Bossuyt
The new strategy reflects a more accurate understanding of the region and of the EU’s comparative advantages.
Why a New Trade Pact Could be the Carrot the EU Needs in Cambodia

Why a New Trade Pact Could be the Carrot the EU Needs in Cambodia

By David Hutt
The idea of such a pact is one such way for the EU to offer carrots, rather than just sticks, that can help it achieve its reform objectives in the country.

Beware Cambodia’s Europe Sanctions Hype

Beware Cambodia’s Europe Sanctions Hype

By David Hutt
Claims of threats to the country’s sovereignty are vastly exaggerated and miss the broader point about how foreign economic relations work.

What’s Next for China’s 16+1 Platform in Central and Eastern Europe?

What’s Next for China’s 16+1 Platform in Central and Eastern Europe?

By Alicja Bachulska
The debate over development of the 16+1 platform continues.

The Disconnect Between the EU's Central Asia Strategy and Reality

The Disconnect Between the EU's Central Asia Strategy and Reality

By Catherine Putz
Europe's strategy in Central Asia focuses on bilateral relations and reforms, but reality demonstrates the limits of these aims.
Russia May Block Western Flights to Asia

Russia May Block Western Flights to Asia

By Zachary Keck
Russia may prohibit U.S. and EU airlines from traveling through its airspace on flights to and from the Asia-Pacific.

5 Ways Europe Can Help the US Pivot

5 Ways Europe Can Help the US Pivot

By James R. Holmes
Crimea has woken Europe up to geopolitics. Here's how it can help the U.S. pivot to Asia.
Crimea Could Weaken Russia's Pacific Fleet

Crimea Could Weaken Russia's Pacific Fleet

By Robert Farley
In response to its invasion of Crimea, the EU will likely bar the sale of a pair of French Mistral warships.

America’s Undiminished Power of Attraction

America’s Undiminished Power of Attraction

The possibility of free trade agreements such as TAFTA and TPP could change the game of world politics.

Aftermath of the Rana Plaza Tragedy

Aftermath of the Rana Plaza Tragedy

Abandoning Bangladesh altogether would be the worst possible solution.

China’s European Diplomacy

China’s European Diplomacy

Chinese-EU relations have figured prominently into the first month of the new administration in Beijing.

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