EU Central Asia Strategy

Sebastien Peyrouse on the EU's New Central Asia Strategy
By Catherine Putz
What are Europe’s main interests in Central Asia and how does the EU plan to pursue them?

New EU Strategy for Central Asia: All About Balance
By Fabienne Bossuyt
The new strategy reflects a more accurate understanding of the region and of the EU’s comparative advantages.

The European Union's (Not So) New Central Asia Strategy
By Catherine Putz
Two years in the making, the EU's new Central Asia strategy doesn't offer many new positions.

How Europe Should Approach the EEU (and Russia)
By Liudmila Filippova and Inna Veleva
The EEU is an opportunity for Europe to engage with Eurasia -- and mend ties with Russia.

Europe's New Central Asia Strategy
By Catherine Putz
Is the EU's new regional strategy the same as its last regional strategy? Not entirely.
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