Eurasian Economic Union

US and Russia Watching Closely Uzbekistan’s Economic Choices
By Umida Hashimova
Tashkent is reopening its negotiations to join the WTO and considering Eurasian Economic Union membership. Russia and the West are watching.

Not So Fast: Will Uzbekistan Join the Eurasian Economic Union?
By Umida Hashimova
In Russian framing, the Uzbek decision to join the EAEU has already been made. But Tashkent is still exploring its options.

The Meridian Highway Through Central Asia
By Austen Dowell
Does a rising road lift all cargo trucks?

The Shanghai Cooperation Organization: A Vehicle for Cooperation or Competition?
By Eleanor Albert
The SCO reflects shifting power dynamics in this subregion, particularly between China and Russia.

The Eurasian Economic Union’s Pension Problem
By Khamza Sharifzoda
An agreement slated for September 2019 hopes to ensure equal pension rights across the EAEU.

Can Russia and China 'Synergize' the Eurasian Economic Union and the Belt and Road Initiative?
By Catherine Putz
Arguably the entire point of touting the linkage of the BRI and the EAEU has been political.

Putin on the Ritz in China
By Nicholas Trickett
A peek under the glitz of Russian-Chinese bonhomie.

What the Belarus-Russia Border Tiff Means for China
By Nicholas Trickett
Batka don’t take no mess: Belarus’ Lukashenko threatens rail transit from Asia to Europe.

Reforming Customs, Uzbekistan Nods Toward the Eurasian Economic Union
By Nicholas Trickett
Tashkent is harmonizing its import tariffs with EAEU norms.

Tajikistan Still Considering Engagement With the Eurasian Economic Union
By Catherine Putz
Russia recently proposed Tajikistan join the EAEU as an observer, downgrading previous pushes for full membership.

Remember the Eurasian Economic Union?
By Catherine Putz
Oh yeah, that...how’s that going?

The Geopolitics of the Beijing-Moscow Consensus
By Enrico Cau
The integration of China’s Belt and Road and Russia’s Eurasian Economic Union will have major implications.