
Where Do European Union-India Relations Stand?
By Ankit Panda
The relationship between India and the European Union has room to go. Wednesday's summit sustained momentum, despite difficulties.

Why the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership Is More Important Than TPP
By Michael Czinkota and Valbona Zeneli
TTIP will be the West’s last, best opportunity to set global rules as the emerging markets continue to gain ground.

Now Operating: Astana to Paris
By Catherine Putz
Four years after signing the launching protocol, flights between Astana and Paris have begun.

5 Ways Europe Can Help the US Pivot
By James R. Holmes
Crimea has woken Europe up to geopolitics. Here's how it can help the U.S. pivot to Asia.

Navies of the World: The Royal Navy in the Pacific
By James R. Holmes
The Naval Diplomat begins his series on middle power navies in the Indo-Pacific with the United Kingdom

China's 'New Silk Road' Vision Revealed
By Shannon Tiezzi
A new series in Xinhua offers the clearest vision yet of China's ambitious "New Silk Road."

China Can Be More Powerful Without Getting Rich
By Zachary Keck
History shows that wealth is a poor indicator of the distribution of power in the international system.

Why Europe Won’t Get Tough On China
After much grandstanding, the EU backed down on trade issues with China. It wasn’t the first time… or the last.

Can Chinese Wineries Compete With Europe?
With demand for wine in China skyrocketing, domestic companies are hoping to cash in.

Why China Soured On Europe
Ten years ago the EU-China heralded a new strategic partnership. How did relations get so bad?

China’s European Diplomacy
Chinese-EU relations have figured prominently into the first month of the new administration in Beijing.

France and India Deepen Ties
Visits to New Delhi by Francois Hollande and David Cameron highlight India’s growing importance for Europe.