
European Union

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A Deeper Look at Vietnam’s Trade Deal With Europe

A Deeper Look at Vietnam’s Trade Deal With Europe

By Stuart Brown
The EU’s drive to become the defender of multilateralism promises further opportunities for Southeast Asia.
New EU Strategy for Central Asia: All About Balance

New EU Strategy for Central Asia: All About Balance

By Fabienne Bossuyt
The new strategy reflects a more accurate understanding of the region and of the EU’s comparative advantages.

Why a New Trade Pact Could be the Carrot the EU Needs in Cambodia

Why a New Trade Pact Could be the Carrot the EU Needs in Cambodia

By David Hutt
The idea of such a pact is one such way for the EU to offer carrots, rather than just sticks, that can help it achieve its reform objectives in the country.

Is the EU Wrong on Rights in Cambodia?

Is the EU Wrong on Rights in Cambodia?

By Kongkea Chhoeun
The EU's approach risks undermining Cambodia's development and harming its own image in the country.

Gotta Serve Somebody? Not Necessarily: Europe in the US-China Crossfire

Gotta Serve Somebody? Not Necessarily: Europe in the US-China Crossfire

By Plamen Tonchev
The EU can carve out its own position vis-a-vis the United States and China.
Are the European Union and China Systemic Rivals?

Are the European Union and China Systemic Rivals?

By Dingding Chen and Junyang Hu
They need not be, but competition is on the rise between them.

Beware Cambodia’s Europe Sanctions Hype

Beware Cambodia’s Europe Sanctions Hype

By David Hutt
Claims of threats to the country’s sovereignty are vastly exaggerated and miss the broader point about how foreign economic relations work.
Europe: A New Player in the Indo-Pacific

Europe: A New Player in the Indo-Pacific

By Eva Pejsova
Can traditional regional powers find a place for a new, “odd” friend?

Asia's Geopolitical Challenges: Outlook 2019

Asia's Geopolitical Challenges: Outlook 2019

By Mercy A. Kuo
Insights from Tiberio Graziani.

European Sanctions Are a Response to Cambodia’s Totalitarian Shift

European Sanctions Are a Response to Cambodia’s Totalitarian Shift

By Sam Rainsy
Europe must hold firm on plans to suspend Cambodia from the the EBA trade initiative.

The EU-Japan Partnerships: Advancing the Abe Doctrine?

The EU-Japan Partnerships: Advancing the Abe Doctrine?

By Edward Danks
Analyzing the EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) and Strategic Partnership Agreement (SPA) in context.
Never Again? Europe’s False Human Rights Promise

Never Again? Europe’s False Human Rights Promise

By Mirwais Wakil
Forcing Afghanistan to take back people seeking asylum in EU territory is little short of complicity toward the slaughter of innocents.

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