
Why India Should Consider Lockheed Martin's F-16 Offer
By C. Christine Fair
The F-16 proposal would allow India to finally jump start its military-industrial base.

The Important Difference in the US-India and US-Pakistan Relationships
By Harsh V. Pant
It's time for New Delhi to reimagine the U.S.-Pakistan-India triangle.

US Approves New Deal for Singapore’s F-16 Upgrades
By Prashanth Parameswaran
State Department clears fresh sales for a critical strategic partner in the Asia-Pacific.

Forget F-16s for Taiwan: It's All About A2/AD
By Van Jackson
Taiwan doesn't need F-16s; it needs an anti-access strategy.

Indonesia Wary of US Jets
Indonesian lawmakers have declined a US offer of second-hand F-16s. Jakarta should accept the fighters.
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