
Time to Sell Latest F-16 to Taiwan
Taiwan won’t ever get F-22s. But the US should sell it the latest F-16 fighter to balance Chinese aircraft purchases.

How China’s Jets Threaten Russia
China’s suspected proclivity for copying weapons systems has made Russia wary of exporting its technology. Still, the Russians may one day end up with a taste for ‘Made in China’ hardware.

China Air Force Steps it Up
US assumptions about China’s air power look outdated. It’s building a force that will be without rival in the Asia-Pacific.

Why Allies Need US Base
Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan has been left to decide what to do about a controversial US air base. The choice is clear.
China Won’t Rule The Skies
…anytime soon, says Loren Thompson. It’s a long way from having its own version of the F-22 fighter to challenge the US.
US Eyeing Asian Arms Race?
Sparking one might be the best chance the US has of maintaining its traditional air combat superiority, says David Axe.