
Pacific Island Leaders Weigh Trans-Pacific Bubble With Australia and New Zealand
By Joshua Mcdonald
Some Pacific leaders support the proposal, while others have said it's way too soon.

Pandemic in the Pacific: COVID-19 to Hit Pacific Economies Hard
By Joshua Mcdonald
The Pacific’s lucrative tourism industry could collapse amid the lockdown on international travel.

Peacekeeping and the Evolving Australia-Fiji Relationship
By Grant Wyeth
An interview with Lisa Sharland.

Island Diets Are Changing for the Worse. Here’s How to Stop It
By Judith Francis
Across the Pacific, island diets are worsening, with serious human and environmental consequences.

A Warm Welcome for Fijian Prime Minister in Australia
By Grant Wyeth
The pomp and ceremony provided for him in Canberra this week symbolize a remarkable transformation for Bainimarama.

UN Secretary-General Pays a Visit to the Blue Pacific
By Grant Wyeth
The Pacific’s “large ocean states” are on the frontlines of climate change, and urging the world to act.

Australia's Citizenship Stripping Policy Again Sparks Controversy
By Rod McGuirk
Australian officials insist a man who just lost citizenship over ISIS ties isn’t stateless.

Bainimarama and FijiFirst Secure Electoral Victory
By Grant Wyeth
Former coup leader-turned Prime Minister Bainimarama held onto power, winning more time to reshape Fijian politics.

Paying Attention to the Blue Pacific
By Grant Wyeth
Pacific Island countries want to rebrand as “large ocean states,” custodians of large swaths of the Pacific Ocean.

Fiji: The Peacekeepers
By Grant Wyeth
Per capita since 1970, Fiji has contributed more personnel to UN Peacekeeping missions than any other state.

Shining a Light on Pacific Island Diplomacy
By Jenny Hayward-Jones
Thinking of the Pacific Islands as a bloc obscures the complexity of the individual interests of each nation.

Pacific Island Solidarity: Papua New Guinea and Fiji
By Grant Wyeth
The PNG prime minister used his time in Fiji to reiterate that both countries have an essential role in providing regional leadership.