Foreign workers in Singapore

‘Tale of 2 Outbreaks’: Singapore Tackles a Costly Setback
By Associated Press
Singapore has treated the recent spike in COVID-19 cases among foreign workers as a separate outbreak.

Singapore to Ban Public Drinking Amid Fierce Opposition
By Prashanth Parameswaran
The city-state’s crackdown on public alcohol consumption is meeting strong public resistance.

New Singapore Law Will Not Keep Peace in Little India
By Sri Ranjini Mei Hua Raman
New punitive measures will hardly solve the deeper issues that underlie the tensions.

After Little India Riots, Free Yoga Lessons for Stressed-Out Foreigners in Singapore
By J.T. Quigley
Also: Typhoon-hit schools reopen in the Philippines, Malaysia’s Wolf of Wall Street scandal.

Riot Reveals Cracks in Singapore Society
By Kirsten Han
Singapore’s normally ordered society has been shaken by the rioting last weekend.
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