foreigners in China

The Rise and Fall of Americans’ China Dreams
By Mark Witzke
The arc of one English teaching program in Shenzhen reflects broader trends that have eaten away at Americans’ interest in working and studying in China.

Guangzhou Shows Why China Is So Attractive to the Global South
By Gabriele Manca
Move over, New York: China’s southern metropolis is the new global city of opportunity.

Are Foreign Musicians Banned From Performing in China?
By Larry Mullin
Not so fast, say those on the ground.

Racism and Apartment Hunting in East Asia
By Xiaochen Su
Xenophobia makes even mundane tasks difficult for foreigners in countries like Japan and Singapore.

Poisoning the Well of US-China Relations
By Elizabeth C. Economy
Blaming "hostile foreign forces" for economic and social ills trades short-term gain for long-term pain.
‘Monkey Shows’: Being a Foreigner in China
By David Volodzko
Foreigners in China -- particularly whites -- are given economic value simply because of the color of their skin.
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