Free Trade Agreement

Who Resurrected the China-Australia Free Trade Agreement?
Long considered dead, the prospect of a China-Australia Free Trade Agreement has gained new life.

Taiwan-Singapore FTA
Taiwan takes another step towards trade’s big leagues by signing a new free trade agreement with Singapore.

Australia’s Ambitious Free Trade Agenda
Canberra wants to conclude deals with three East Asian giants, starting with Korea. It faces some significant hurdles.

Australia’s Countdown to Free Trade
Prime Minister Tony Abbott is determined to conclude some long-running negotiations. Which country will be first?

Japan’s European Charm Offensive
Shinzo Abe is using the occasion of the G-8 summit to court leaders across the European continent.

China May Join US-led Trans-Pacific Partnership Talks
On Thursday Beijing said it is studying the possibility of joining the Trans-Pacific Partnership free trade talks.
Northeast Asia's Free Trade Dream
Japan, South Korea and China are slowly working towards a free trade agreement. Will old disagreements kill a possible deal?

A Japan - EU Free Trade Deal?
With talk of an American-EU free trade pact, Japan could also be looking to Europe as well.