Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific

What Trump’s TPP Withdrawal Means for US Asia Policy
By Prashanth Parameswaran
A closer look at the significance and implications of the move.

Pacific Rim States Can (And Will) Move Forward on Trade Without the US
By Ankit Panda
With TPP's death, China will gladly take on the burdens and benefits of regional economic leadership.

Beware the Myth of Warring US-China Trade Pacts
By Prashanth Parameswaran
We need to be clear-eyed about where there is competition and where there is not.

As TPP Leaders Celebrate, China Urges Creation of Asia-Pacific Free Trade Area
By Shannon Tiezzi
At a regional summit, China and the U.S. promoted their divergent models for Asia-Pacific trade agreements.

China’s Alternative Diplomacy
By Zheng Wang
China has just made its biggest foreign policy adjustment in 25 years.

Economic Diplomacy Alone Won’t Make China a Leader
By Darren Lim
'If it wants to lead, China needs to convince its neighbours that it doesn’t pose a threat to their fundamental security interests.'

China's TPP Contradictions
By Zachary Keck
In attacking the Trans-Pacific Partnership, China's state media directly contradicted President Xi.

Elite Talk: Alan Bollard on APEC, FTAAP
By Li Zhenyu
As the APEC meetings begin, APEC Secretariat Executive Director joins the Elite Talk show.

The U.S. and China’s Competing FTA’s During APEC
By Clint Richards
The U.S. is uninterested in ceding power in a more comprehensive regional trade agreement.
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