
French navy

Can France’s Military Live Up to Its Ambitions in the Indo-Pacific?

Can France’s Military Live Up to Its Ambitions in the Indo-Pacific?

By Sophie Perrot
France has sovereignty, citizens, and broader interests at stake in the region, but its military presence remains small and outdated.

France-led Multination Naval Exercise Commences in Eastern Indian Ocean

France-led Multination Naval Exercise Commences in Eastern Indian Ocean

By Abhijnan Rej
The exercise will also see all four Quad nations participating amid further deepening of bilateral defense ties within the grouping.
French, US, Australian, Japanese Warships Drill in Bay of Bengal

French, US, Australian, Japanese Warships Drill in Bay of Bengal

By Steven Stashwick
The La Perouse Exercise featured a French aircraft carrier and Australian submarines.

India, France Hold Large Naval Warfare Exercise Involving 2 Aircraft Carriers

India, France Hold Large Naval Warfare Exercise Involving 2 Aircraft Carriers

By Franz-Stefan Gady
This year’s iteration of the Varuna exercise will include an air combat drill with carrier-based Indian and French fighter jets.

Making Sense of China’s Reaction to the French Navy’s Taiwan Strait Transit

Making Sense of China’s Reaction to the French Navy’s Taiwan Strait Transit

By Ankit Panda
Did China’s spokesperson misspeak or is the Taiwan Strait now being claimed in full as “Chinese waters“?

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
Latest Video

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Are France and the UK Here to Stay in the South China Sea?

Are France and the UK Here to Stay in the South China Sea?

By Tuan Anh Luc
Are the French and British navies here to stay in the South China Sea?

India, France Hold Joint Anti-Submarine Warfare and Air Defense Drill

India, France Hold Joint Anti-Submarine Warfare and Air Defense Drill

By Franz-Stefan Gady
The Indo-French joint naval exercise “Varuna-18” kicked off earlier this week in the Arabian Sea.
France to Dispatch Mistral Amphibious Assault Ship for Exercise in Western Pacific

France to Dispatch Mistral Amphibious Assault Ship for Exercise in Western Pacific

By Ankit Panda
The French vessel will join Japanese, British, and U.S. ships for a multilateral exercise later this year.

France Unveils Its Defense Strategy in the South China Sea and Beyond

France Unveils Its Defense Strategy in the South China Sea and Beyond

By Quoc-Thanh Nguyen
France unveils its Asia-Pacific policy in the last French Military Programming Law.

Is China Eyeing These Advanced French Amphibious Assault Ships?

Is China Eyeing These Advanced French Amphibious Assault Ships?

By Ankit Panda
China could be looking to purchase the two French Mistral ships that were originally built for Russia.

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