
Largest Bilateral Free Trade Agreement: Japan, EU Conclude Bilateral Economic Partnership Agreement
By Ankit Panda
The agreement will see nearly all tariffs on goods traded between the two sides lifted.

Time to Revisit an ASEAN-EU FTA?
By Ji Xianbai
Much has changed since 2007, when FTA talks were first attempted.

Australia’s FTA Balancing Act
By Clint Richards
New Chinese and Indian agreements highlight Canberra’s evolving Indo-Pacific trade strategy.

The U.S. and China’s Competing FTA’s During APEC
By Clint Richards
The U.S. is uninterested in ceding power in a more comprehensive regional trade agreement.

Isolating Japan By Other Means
By Yong Kwon
A China-South Korean Free Trade Agreement would boost Seoul even as it undercut Tokyo.

Malaysia, Turkey Sign Free Trade Agreement
By Ankit Panda
Malaysia and Turkey signed a Free Trade Agreement that is expected to boost trade to $5 billion by 2018.

Congress May Have Just Killed the Trans-Pacific Partnership
A bipartisan group of Congress members have come out against Fast Track Trade Promotion Authority.
Northeast Asia's Free Trade Dream
Japan, South Korea and China are slowly working towards a free trade agreement. Will old disagreements kill a possible deal?

China’s European Diplomacy
Chinese-EU relations have figured prominently into the first month of the new administration in Beijing.

FTA Time for Japan and Australia?
It seems Japan and Australia could be close to developing even stronger financial ties.

A Japan - EU Free Trade Deal?
With talk of an American-EU free trade pact, Japan could also be looking to Europe as well.
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