
Fukushima Nuclear Crisis

Fukushima 12 Years After the Nuclear Accident

Fukushima 12 Years After the Nuclear Accident

By Thisanka Siripala
While radiation levels return to normal in towns around the accident epicenter, revitalization is weighed down by accumulating piles of contaminated soil.
Japan Eyes Delay of Fukushima Plant Water Release

Japan Eyes Delay of Fukushima Plant Water Release

By Mari Yamaguchi
The plan to released treated radioactive wastewater has been fiercely opposed by local residents and Japan's neighbors, including China and South Korea.

Ex-TEPCO Executive Downplays Role in Fukushima Nuclear Meltdown

Ex-TEPCO Executive Downplays Role in Fukushima Nuclear Meltdown

By Thisanka Siripala
Three TEPCO leaders are on trial for allegedly delaying tsunami preparation measures.

Japan’s Nuclear Power Program: A Strategic Paradox?

Japan’s Nuclear Power Program: A Strategic Paradox?

By Tom Corben
Prospective reforms to Japan’s military posture mask the strategic vulnerability of Japan’s nuclear reactors.

Japan's Absent Robots

Japan's Absent Robots

Japan is famous for its robots. So why has it relied on foreign built ones during the Fukushima nuclear crisis?

Japan's Crisis and the SDF

Japan’s Self-Defense Force had good reviews for its post-crisis performance. Is the public ready for more?

Travel Advisories and Politics

Travel Advisories and Politics

The travel advisories for Japan over the nuclear crisis highlight the intersection between safety, politics and economics.

Why Aren’t Japanese Protesting?

Why Aren’t Japanese Protesting?

Despite the unpopularity of Naoto Kan and his government, the Japanese public has remained relatively quiet.

Flyjin Reconciliation

Flyjin Reconciliation

Some foreigners who left Japan in the wake of the March 11 crisis are finding a chilly reception on returning.

The Great Power-Saving Nation?

The Great Power-Saving Nation?

Signs of energy conservation can be seen all over Tokyo. Could Japan become a model for low consumption?

Japan Stuck With Nuclear Power

Japan Stuck With Nuclear Power

Despite Naoto Kan’s pledge to review nuclear power in Japan, the country has few alternatives.

Nascent Anti-Nuclear Movement?

Nascent Anti-Nuclear Movement?

Will the nuclear crisis at the Fukushima plant herald an anti-nuclear movement in Japan? There are signs it will.

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