
Fukushima Nuclear Plant

After Leak, Safety Panel Urges Fukushima Nuclear Plant Operator to Communicate Better 

After Leak, Safety Panel Urges Fukushima Nuclear Plant Operator to Communicate Better 

By Mari Yamaguchi
Last week’s leak of highly radioactive water could have been prevented, experts said, urging TEPCO to “very quickly communicate to the public what happened and why.”

Fukushima Nuclear Plant to Start Releasing Treated Radioactive Wastewater Into Pacific Ocean

Fukushima Nuclear Plant to Start Releasing Treated Radioactive Wastewater Into Pacific Ocean

By Mari Yamaguchi
The release of treated but still radioactive water could start as early as Thursday, despite opposition at home and abroad.
Japan Faces Growing Pressure to Rethink Releasing Fukushima’s Wastewater into Ocean

Japan Faces Growing Pressure to Rethink Releasing Fukushima’s Wastewater into Ocean

By Thisanka Siripala
China and South Korea have reacted strongly to the Japanese government’s decision to release contaminated water from the crippled Fukushima nuclear reactor.

Fires Demonstrate Danger of Nuclear Power in Asia

Fires Demonstrate Danger of Nuclear Power in Asia

Indonesia’s inability to crack down on vested interests bodes poorly for a future nuclear power industry.

China's Nuclear Energy Play

China's Nuclear Energy Play

A government official claims China will have 41 nuclear power units operating by 2015, with an additional 20 plants being built.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Preventing Nuclear Disaster

Preventing Nuclear Disaster

The IAEA has confirmed almost two dozen incidents of theft or loss of fissile materials. Last week’s nuclear, though, ended with no agreement on enforcement to stop terrorists acquiring them.

China’s Nuclear Crossroads

China’s Nuclear Crossroads

Last year’s nuclear crisis in Fukushima rocked confidence in nuclear power. Will a lack of transparency and safety controls further undercut nuclear prospects in China?

China Holds Key to Climate Change

China Holds Key to Climate Change

Progress over climate change depends largely on the actions individual major carbon emitters, particularly China – not U.N. summits. But is the political courage there to exact change?

India, Japan Eye Nuclear Road Bump

India, Japan Eye Nuclear Road Bump

Ties between India and Japan have warmed further since Japan’s Yoshihiko Noda took office. But civilian nuclear co-operation is proving a sticking point.

Japan’s Future in the Balance

Japan’s Future in the Balance

Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda has a chance to rescue Japan’s economy with a key free trade agreement. Failure to seize it could result in terminal decline.

Japan Courts South America

Japan Courts South America

With growing concerns over its energy security, Japan is increasingly looking at MERCOSUR as an alternative to nuclear power and the Middle East.

Fukushima and Cultural Superiority

Fukushima and Cultural Superiority

As the nuclear crisis is dissected by commentators, some have turned to cultural stereotypes to explain the problems. It’s a dangerous approach.

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