
Why Does the G7 Need India?
By Niranjan Marjani
Engaging with India is imperative for the G-7.

Biden, Modi Seek to Deepen Their Bonds, But Geopolitical Friendships Have Limits
By Josh Boak and Ashok Sharma
Like many geopolitical friendships, things are complicated between the world's largest economy (the U.S.) and its most populous nation (India).

The US and Japan as G7 Champions of Health and Democracy
By Kazuyo Kato and Mark P. Lagon
Washington and Tokyo can contribute conclusively to global governance in the service of peace, prosperity, and pluralism.

What the G-7 Infrastructure Initiative Can Offer Southeast Asia
By Fikry A. Rahman and Dr. Abdul Razak Ahmad
The Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment will find a receptive audience in the region, but the full scope of the new initiative remains unclear.

What the G-7 Summit in Cornwall Means for Asia
By Duncan Bartlett
Besides seeing a stronger stance emerge on China, the summit had implications for the North Korea issue as well as Japan-South Korea relations.

Biden’s Multilateral Approach to China Is Paying Off
By Gray Sergeant
The G-7 summit was testament to how far U.S. allies have moved on the China issue.

Trump Suggests a G7 Expansion to Include Australia, India, and South Korea. Is That Realistic?
By Ankit Panda
Will the G-7 see expansion?

Japan’s Disappointing G7 Summit
By Mina Pollmann
The grouping seems less and less inclined to take up concerns related to East Asia, adding to Japan’s disillusionment.

China Protests as G7 Leaders Call for 'Demilitarization' of East, South China Seas
By Ankit Panda
The G-7 leaders call on parties in the South China Sea to demilitarize features.

G7 Leaders Call for 'Rules-Based' Maritime Order, Condemn North Korea
By Ankit Panda
The leaders of the G-7 came together to call for maritime security, and condemned North Korea's nuclear program.

Abe Heads to G-7 with South China Sea, Asian Security on his Mind
By Ankit Panda
At the meeting of G-7 leaders in Germany, Shinzo Abe will speak on Asian security.

America's Economy Still #1...For Now
A new report predicts the U.S. economy will remain the largest for at least another decade.
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