
Addressing Climate Change in the Mekong-Ganges Region
By Lohita Solanki
The newfound attention on climate change at the MGC is a recent development, but a necessary one.

India’s Saraswati: The Quest for the Invisible River
By Krzysztof Iwanek
While some are trying to locate or recreate the Saraswati River, in fact, it can be easily found.

The Real Threat to Hinduism: The Slow Death of India's Rivers
By Gauri Noolkar
Outrage over the ban on firecrackers should be directed at the destruction of South Asia's natural heritage.

Why India Should Be Concerned About Climate Change
By Anish Mishra
More than most, India has reason to be dedicated to the climate change cause.

Water: A Global Crisis
By Peter Brabeck-Letmathe and Asit K. Biswas
The world water crisis is both severe and entirely avoidable.

Cleaning Up the Ganges
By Sudha Ramachandran
Narendra Modi will need more than just rhetoric to clean up India’s most important river.

Kumbh Mela: Consuming the Greatest Show on Earth
Have mass media and consumerism hijacked India’s holiest event?
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