

China Can Be More Powerful Without Getting Rich

China Can Be More Powerful Without Getting Rich

By Zachary Keck
History shows that wealth is a poor indicator of the distribution of power in the international system.

Emerging Markets: Stronger for Longer?

Emerging Markets: Stronger for Longer?

By Anthony Fensom
The Word Bank has a mixed forecast for developing economies, but the Asia-Pacific looks set to remain the growth leader.
America’s Undiminished Power of Attraction

America’s Undiminished Power of Attraction

The possibility of free trade agreements such as TAFTA and TPP could change the game of world politics.

Playing the China Economic Data Game

Playing the China Economic Data Game

The current picture is of a country receiving heavy injections of financing, but is the economy picking up steam?

Asia's Real Challenge: China’s "Potemkin" Rise

Asia's Real Challenge: China’s "Potemkin" Rise

“China’s rise is more likely a statistical fiction, cooked up by the Chinese ruling elites to aggrandize their power and glory.”

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
Latest Video

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Asia's Rising Economic Star: The Philippines?

As the IMF cut its growth forecasts for China, Taiwan, India, and others one nation continues to impress.

The Curious Case of China's GDP Figures

The Curious Case of China's GDP Figures

Economists increasingly doubt the reliability of China’s economic data, and for good reason.

A Japan - EU Free Trade Deal?

A Japan - EU Free Trade Deal?

With talk of an American-EU free trade pact, Japan could also be looking to Europe as well.

Thailand: 18.9% GDP Growth Last Quarter

Thailand: 18.9% GDP Growth Last Quarter

As Thailand recovers from devastating floods, its economy presses ahead. What does the future hold?

World Bank Cuts Global Growth Forecast for 2013

World Bank Cuts Global Growth Forecast for 2013

While growth globally may not be ideal, Asia’s rise as an economic giant looks sure to continue.

America's Economy Still #1...For Now

America's Economy Still #1...For Now

A new report predicts the U.S. economy will remain the largest for at least another decade.

India's Economic Woes Continue

India's Economic Woes Continue

Even as markets rise, weak growth numbers and a steadily accumulating debt are a drag on India’s economy.

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