
General Security of Military Information Agreement (GSOMIA)

What’s Driving the Japan-South Korea Thaw?

What’s Driving the Japan-South Korea Thaw?

By Mina Pollmann
Between China and North Korea, the logic for increased Japan-South Korea cooperation is clear. All that was lacking was political will. 

Hitting Reset on Japan-South Korea Relations

Hitting Reset on Japan-South Korea Relations

By Jessie Laufer
With relatively new governments and a pressing threat from North Korea, the timing to renew Seoul and Tokyo ties is better now than it has been in years.
Japan Cautiously Welcomes South Korean President-Elect

Japan Cautiously Welcomes South Korean President-Elect

By Mari Yamaguchi
Tensions between the two are frozen over, but president-elect Yoon Suk-yeol has spoken of his interest in a thaw.

South Korea Will Keeps Its Military Intelligence Pact With Japan – For Now

South Korea Will Keeps Its Military Intelligence Pact With Japan – For Now

By Associated Press
Seoul had threatened to withdraw from the agreement amid bilateral tensions with Tokyo.

Japan, South Korean Envoys, Execs Discuss Ways to Cool Tensions

Japan, South Korean Envoys, Execs Discuss Ways to Cool Tensions

By Associated Press
The meetings between business leaders were decidedly friendlier.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
Latest Video

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Why South Korea Should Rethink GSOMIA Withdrawal

Why South Korea Should Rethink GSOMIA Withdrawal

By Scott W. Harold
It is not too late for Seoul to reverse course.

The US, Japan and South Korea Should Shelve GSOMIA (For Now)

The US, Japan and South Korea Should Shelve GSOMIA (For Now)

By DongJoon Park
Insisting that Seoul rejoin GSOMIA may make South Korea more skeptical about Washington’s ability to arbitrate impartially.
GSOMIA and the Shadow of ‘Lee-Myung-Park-Geun-Hye’

GSOMIA and the Shadow of ‘Lee-Myung-Park-Geun-Hye’

By Brian Kim
A tale of political revenge?

Korea’s Dispute With Japan Spills Into National Security

Korea’s Dispute With Japan Spills Into National Security

By Troy Stangarone
The end of an intelligence sharing pact expands South Korea’s dispute with Japan. What will the impact be in practice?

South Korea Just Made a Big Mistake

South Korea Just Made a Big Mistake

By John Lee
Pulling out of the intelligence sharing agreement with Japan will only hurt Korea's security.

Speaker Chung Sye-Kyun on South Korea's Political Crisis

Speaker Chung Sye-Kyun on South Korea's Political Crisis

By Emanuel Pastreich
Chung Sye-kyun, Speaker of the National Assembly, talks about "Choi-gate" and the future of Korea's foreign relations.
US-Japan-South Korea Trilateral Cooperation Hangs in the Balance

US-Japan-South Korea Trilateral Cooperation Hangs in the Balance

By Sangbo Park
Donald Trump won't seriously jeopardize U.S.-ROK-Japan cooperation. South Korea's next president might.

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