
George Kennan

Is H. R. McMaster the New Mr. X?

Is H. R. McMaster the New Mr. X?

By Francis P. Sempa
Comparing McMaster’s China prescriptions to George Kennan’s famous containment strategy.
The Case for Containing China

The Case for Containing China

By Francis P. Sempa
China, like the Soviet Union before it, is a peer competitor of the United States but it is not invincible.

Why North Korea's Brinkmanship Will Never Stop

Why North Korea's Brinkmanship Will Never Stop

By Dmitriy Nurullayev
Playing up the idea of conflict with the United States is a key survival tactic for the Kim regime.

Needed: A Long Telegram from Beijing

Needed: A Long Telegram from Beijing

By Francis P. Sempa
Washington could do worse than reflect on the wisdom, profundity, and erudition of George Kennan’s Long Telegram.

George Kennan’s Geopolitics of the Far East

George Kennan’s Geopolitics of the Far East

By Francis P. Sempa
A worldview based on "unsentimental calculations of the balance of power" and an understanding of human nature.
Can George Kennan Guide 21st Century US National Security Strategy?

Can George Kennan Guide 21st Century US National Security Strategy?

By Franz-Stefan Gady
A new report by a Washington-based think tank argues that the US should heed the advice of the father of containment.

How Much Do Strategic Thinkers Affect US Policy Anyway?

How Much Do Strategic Thinkers Affect US Policy Anyway?

By Robert Farley
Foreign policy sometimes reflects what strategic thinkers recommend, but that might be coincidence.
Stephen Walt is Not Obama’s George Kennan

Stephen Walt is Not Obama’s George Kennan

By Zachary Keck
Commonsense and U.S. precedent are the architects of Obama’s Middle East foreign policy.

The Golden Age of American Grand Strategy

The Golden Age of American Grand Strategy

From 1789-1898, America became a regional hegemon through Manifest Destiny and the Monroe Doctrine.

China’s UnSexy Watchword

China’s UnSexy Watchword

Trying to capture what US China policy should be in a single word is a waste of time, says Jim Arkedis.

China’s UnSexy Watchword

China’s UnSexy Watchword

Trying to capture what US China policy should be in a single word is a waste of time, says Jim Arkedis.

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