Global Commons

A US Navy With 350 Ships... But What For?
By Robert Farley
What would the United States use 350 ships for if not its obligations to global order?

Chinese Anti-Piracy and the Global Maritime Commons
By Matthew G. Minot-Scheuermann
As Chinese maritime influence grows, it raises questions for the commercial maritime community.

Maneuver in the Commons
The global commons – vital for trade and other flows – are under growing threat. Action is needed to protect them.

The Consequences of Sequestration
The stinging cuts of sequestration will have a tremendous impact on America’s capacity to protect the world’s maritime commons — with devastating consequences.

Air Force's "Soft Power": Still Fiction
Robert Farley explains that the U.S. Air Force is still unsuited to achieving soft power ends.

American Airpower = Soft Power?
Robert Farley argues “there is simply no way for the Air Force to develop an independent service ‘soft power’ concept.”
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