global governance

The Top 5 Accomplishments of Chinese Diplomacy in 2015
By Dingding Chen
2015 was a very good year for Chinese diplomacy. Expert 2016 to be more challenging.
Have the US and China Come to an Understanding on the AIIB?
By Ankit Panda
The United States and China have come to a working understanding on the role of the AIIB. Washington can move on now.

The AIIB Is Seen Very Differently in the US, Europe, and China
By Yelin Hong
Across the world, views of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank diverge sharply.

4 Ways China Can Become a Global Governance Leader
By Dingding Chen
Steps China can take to remake itself into a leader on global governance issues.

South Korea Joins the AIIB
By Ankit Panda
South Korea is the latest U.S. ally to join the China-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB).

AIIB: Not a US Loss, Not a Chinese Win
By Dingding Chen
The China-led AIIB does not necessarily challenge U.S. financial hegemony; it could be a golden opportunity for cooperation.

New Chinese Banks: Right Out of Mao’s Playbook?
By Chunjuan Nancy Wei
"Start your new stove!" Mao's paradigm shift may be behind China's recent bank initiatives.

China Should Back India for a Permanent UN Security Council Seat
By Akhilesh Pillalamarri
China should back India's bid for a permanent seat on the U.N. Security Council.

Assessing UNSCR 1540: Ten Years On
By James R. Holmes
UN Security Council Resolution 1540 just celebrated its 10th birthday. So far, it has a mixed record.

The World Needs China’s Leadership
By Dingding Chen
A more stable and prosperous world necessitates a China that's more active and assertive in global affairs.

The Death of IMF Reform?
By Oliver Stuenkel
In rejecting crucial reforms to the International Monetary Fund, Congress is jeopardizing U.S. global leadership.

America’s Relative Decline: Should We Panic?
By Zachary Keck
The end of the unipolar era will create new dangers that the world mustn’t overlook.