Global plastics

To Solve the Plastic Crisis, We Must Phase out Production
By Xuan Quach
Promoting recycling without a systems change that unlocks drastic reduction of plastics is merely greenwashing.

Embracing Reuse Solutions: A Path Forward for Asia in the Global Plastic Treaty
By Rahyang Nusantara
Pioneering efforts in Asian countries seek to phase out single-use plastics for reusable alternatives.

Road to Busan for a Plastic-free Future
By Jed Alegado
Asia-Pacific countries could prove critical to ensuring the treaty addresses not only waste management, but the root issue of plastic production.

Asia-Pacific States Must Divorce Their Industry Friends for a Strong Global Plastics Treaty
By Arpita Bhagat
With just two meetings left to finalize the treaty text, the significance of the current Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee meeting cannot be overstated.

Why Asia Needs to Move Beyond Plastic Bag Bans
By Kris Hartley
Seriously addressing the region’s plastic apocalypse will require moving beyond blunt moves such as plastic bag bans.

Bali’s Garbage Emergency Exposes Indonesia’s Big Rubbish Problem
By Luke Hunt
The escalation of the crisis is an embarrassment for the Southeast Asian state.
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