Great Powers

Economic Statecraft and Managing Superpowers: How China Did It
By Robert Farley
Echoes of Cold War-era economic statecraft remain part of China's overall foreign policy.

Why India Should Help Shape Norms for Outer Space Activities
By Bhavani Castro
India can promote the creation of a more comprehensive regime for the use of outer space in a variety of ways.

The Geopolitics of India and Russia’s Disparate Interests
By Akhilesh Pillalamarri
How much do Indian and Russian interests converge in the 21st century?

Of Course China, Like All Great Powers, Will Ignore an International Legal Verdict
By Graham Allison
In ignoring an upcoming verdict on the South China Sea, Beijing is following well-established precedent by great powers.

In or Out of NSG, New Delhi’s Carried Out a Diplomatic Masterstroke
By Harsh V. Pant
India's diplomacy in pursuit of membership of the Nuclear Suppliers Group shows the country at its best.

Can India Ever Become a Great Power?
By Akhilesh Pillalamarri
Three preeminent analysts of the South Asian giant offer differing assessments.
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