Gu Junshan

The 2015 Numbers for China’s War Against Corruption: The Tigers
By Adam Bartley
It was a busy year for China’s corruption crackdown. Expect more of the same this year.

China’s Anti-Corruption Campaign: Cleaning Up the PLA’s House
By Zi Yang
Chinese President Xi Jinping has been cautious about taking on “tigers” in China’s military.

Xi Aims His Anti-Corruption Campaign at the PLA
By Shannon Tiezzi
Xu Caihou is the highest-ranking military official to be taken down for corruption since the Deng Xiaoping era.

PLA General Charged With Embezzlement, Bribery
By Shannon Tiezzi
After a two year investigation, Lt. Gen. Gu Junshan has been formally charged with corruption.

The Chinese Military's Toughest Opponent: Corruption
By Shannon Tiezzi
Is Xi Jinping willing to bring his anti-corruption drive to bear on the People's Liberation Army?
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