

Bjorka, the Online Hacker Trying To Take Down the Indonesian Government

Bjorka, the Online Hacker Trying To Take Down the Indonesian Government

By Aisyah Llewellyn
With a series of high-profile hacks, the as-yet unidentified culprit has highlighted yawning gaps in the nation's cyber defenses.

News Corp Says It Was Hacked; Believed to Be Linked to China

News Corp Says It Was Hacked; Believed to Be Linked to China

By Eric Tucker and Frank Bajak
Chinese intelligence-gathering is believed to be behind a hack of News Corp, which publishes The Wall Street Journal, among others.
US Unveils New Sanctions on Russia for Hacking

US Unveils New Sanctions on Russia for Hacking

By Catherine Putz
The measures put President-elect Donald Trump in an awkward position.

Cyberattacks and the Authoritarian Context

Cyberattacks and the Authoritarian Context

By Robert Potter
The motives of state-sponsored hackers go beyond simple tactical, intelligence and economic gains.

Kazakhstan Hacks Back: Operation Manul and Astana’s Pursuit of Dissidents

Kazakhstan Hacks Back: Operation Manul and Astana’s Pursuit of Dissidents

By Catherine Putz
Researchers say Kazakhstan, using an Indian security company, has carried its pursuit of opponents from the physical realm into the digital.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Researchers Say Kazakhstan Hacks Back

Researchers Say Kazakhstan Hacks Back

By Casey Michel
Astana may be redoubling its efforts against opposition media in both the physical and the digital realm.

Turkmenistan Embassy Website Hacked

Turkmenistan Embassy Website Hacked

By Catherine Putz
The website of Turkmenistan's embassy in Belarus has been taken offline following an apparent hack by ISIS supporters.
Triangulating Cyberespionage for Better US Diplomacy

Triangulating Cyberespionage for Better US Diplomacy

By Lawrence L. Muir, Jr.
Why the US should seek a meaningful trilateral treaty with China and Russia on cyberespionage.

Singapore Cracks the Whip on Cyber ‘Terrorism’

Singapore Cracks the Whip on Cyber ‘Terrorism’

By Kirsten Han
Authorities arrested men accused of defacing high-profile websites. But is it hacking?

Fake Apple Charger Can Hack Your iPhone

Fake Apple Charger Can Hack Your iPhone

Apple says that the vulnerability has been addressed, poses no threat to iOS 7.

Falun Dafa Supporters in China, Philippines, Vietnam Attacked By Hackers

Falun Dafa Supporters in China, Philippines, Vietnam Attacked By Hackers

Security firm: Hacks are coming from China, similar to military-focused attacks.

Apple Hacked: Developer Center Taken Down for Security Overhaul

Apple Hacked: Developer Center Taken Down for Security Overhaul

Intruders may have gained access to names, addresses – but not credit cards.

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