
What’s Behind Central Asia’s Umrah Fever?
By Niginakhon Saida
As long as people have limited opportunities in the socioeconomic and political arenas, and adherence to a religious lifestyle is restricted, pilgrimages will remain as an accessible means of self-fulfillment.

The Chinese Muslim Diaspora in Mecca: Lessons for the BRI in the Middle East
By Seong Hyeon Choi
From the earliest days, China's interactions with the Middle East were based not only on trade, but on religious and cultural connections.

Tajik Authorities Warn Faithful About Hajj Scams
By Catherine Putz
Hajj will fall between September 20 and 26 this year and scammers prey on the uninformed.

Journey to the Heart of Islam
A new exhibition in London offers non-Muslims an interesting glimpse of the sacred ritual of the Hajj.
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