Halford Mackinder

Is China the 21st Century’s Great ‘Going Concern’?
By Francis P. Sempa
Halford Mackinder is famous for his “heartland” theory, but another of his major theoretical constructs may be more relevant to China's rise.

China and the World-Island
By Francis P. Sempa
Today's strategists should keep Mackinder in mind when looking at China's efforts across Eurasia and Africa.

Robert Strausz-Hupe and the Balance of Tomorrow
By Francis P. Sempa
Meet the WWII era political scientist who predicted the tilt in the balance of power towards Asia.

Geography and World Power at 100
By Francis P. Sempa
An important work of geopolitics was written 100 years ago.

Halford Mackinder’s Last View of the Round World
By Francis P. Sempa
During WWII, the great British political geographer updated his Heartland theory, with typical prescience.
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