Hamid Karzai
Karzai's Afghan Delusion
Hamid Karzai has welcomed the announcement of a US troop drawdown. But do Afghans feel the same?

India and the Taliban Talks
India will be watching talks between the United States and elements of the Taliban with a wary eye.

Singh's Secretive Afghan Trip
Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh is set to land in Kabul this morning. Officials aren’t giving much away.

Rule of Law or Law of the Jungle?
The US has set a dangerous precedent by ordering the killing of bin Laden. But it’s not too late to save American foreign policy.

India Faces Afghanistan Choice
With Western forces to withdraw from Afghanistan, India will need creative thinking to maintain influence.

Clock Ticking in Afghanistan
Sealing the porous border with Pakistan will be essential if Afghanistan is to have any hope of stability. ISAF has its work cut out.

Afghanistan’s Failed Reintegration
Reintegration of insurgents was meant to allow the US to leave behind a more stable country, reports David Axe. The project is looking like a failure.

The Taliban's Spring Offensive
Will the Taliban be able to mount an effective spring offensive? A leading terrorism analyst shares his thoughts.
Stalemate in Afghanistan
In the first of a series of dispatches from Afghanistan, David Axe reports on how superior US air power isn’t bringing victory any closer.

Decision Time in Afghanistan
Arab world unrest shouldn’t distract from the looming abyss of the Afghan War. The US should welcome a Turkish move to engage the Taliban.

Can Afghanistan Afford to Survive?
Despite the Obama administration’s claims of success, Afghanistan is in a guerrilla war that might be too expensive for the country to win, argues Juan Cole in our feature interview.

It Just Got Worse in Afghanistan
Hamid Karzai’s decision to postpone the inauguration of the new parliament deepens what was already a political crisis, argues Robert Dreyfuss.