

The One Important Ingredient for Regional Hegemony That China's Still Missing

The One Important Ingredient for Regional Hegemony That China's Still Missing

By Robert Farley
Hard power and wealth aren't everything in pursuing and maintaining hegemony.
Is China Ready for Global Leadership?

Is China Ready for Global Leadership?

By Dingding Chen
Yes and no, but China should get ready for global leadership if the U.S. further retreats from the world.

Is the 'Rules Based Order' Worth Keeping Up?

Is the 'Rules Based Order' Worth Keeping Up?

By Robert Farley
How large are the stakes for the United States in sustaining the current global order?

Think Xi Jinping's State Visit to the US Went Well? Think Again

Think Xi Jinping's State Visit to the US Went Well? Think Again

By Dingding Chen
A modest Xi-Obama summit signals troubles ahead. No major breakthrough was achieved during the summit.

Relax, China Won't Challenge US Hegemony

Relax, China Won't Challenge US Hegemony

By Dingding Chen
The US should believe Chinese Vice Premier Wang Yang's words: China will not seek hegemony.
China Won’t Be a Different Kind of Global Power

China Won’t Be a Different Kind of Global Power

By Zachary Keck
Like the U.S. before it, the China of today will be the hegemon of tomorrow.

China Is a Different Kind of Global Power

China Is a Different Kind of Global Power

By Dingding Chen
Don't expect China to become another United States. It's a good thing that China is just being China.
Of Course China Wants to Replace the U.S.

Of Course China Wants to Replace the U.S.

By Zachary Keck
If China becomes the world's most powerful country, it won't be satisfied being America's number two.

The US Renounces the Monroe Doctrine?

The US Renounces the Monroe Doctrine?

On Monday, John Kerry declared that “the era of the Monroe Doctrine is over.” Don’t believe him.

Will Balancing Against China Provoke or Deter It?

Will Balancing Against China Provoke or Deter It?

Asian states vehemently deny they are balancing against China. They better hope Beijing doesn’t believe them.

Why China and the US (Probably) Won’t Go to War

Why China and the US (Probably) Won’t Go to War

Geography and nuclear weapons make it virtually unthinkable that Beijing and Washington will clash.

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