
Henry Kissinger

Henry Kissinger and the Murder of Timor-Leste

Henry Kissinger and the Murder of Timor-Leste

By Klas Lundström
Few Timorese would have welcomed the late diplomat with open arms. Fewer still will be sad to see him gone.

What It Means to Be an ‘Old Friend of the Chinese People’

What It Means to Be an ‘Old Friend of the Chinese People’

By David Skidmore
The late Henry Kissinger is perhaps the most famous holder of that title, but he is far from alone.
Some China Contacts With Henry Kissinger

Some China Contacts With Henry Kissinger

By Jerome A. Cohen
Dr. Jerome Cohen offers his personal experiences interacting with Kissinger on China issues – with all the complexity that involved.

How the Cold War Shaped Bangladesh’s Liberation War

How the Cold War Shaped Bangladesh’s Liberation War

By Shah Tazrian Ashrafi
The 1971 war served as a perfect ground for the age-old India-Pakistan hostility to play out, it also attracted the attention of the Cold War’s key players.

Ahead of Xi-Trump G20 Meeting, Xi Meets Foreign Policy Guru Kissinger

Ahead of Xi-Trump G20 Meeting, Xi Meets Foreign Policy Guru Kissinger

By Charlotte Gao
Xi told Kissinger that China and the United States must have accurate judgments of each other's strategic intentions.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

China 'Experts' and US-China Relations

China 'Experts' and US-China Relations

By Chi Wang
The U.S. needs to put in serious effort to train a young crop of experts on China.

The Trouble With Kissinger's North Korea Advice

The Trouble With Kissinger's North Korea Advice

By Joseph Bosco
Kissinger is moving the goal posts on where the final red line is on North Korean behavior.
The Shanghai Communique: An American Foreign Policy Success, 45 Years Later

The Shanghai Communique: An American Foreign Policy Success, 45 Years Later

By Stephen Orlins
Today marks the 45th anniversary of the Shanghai Communique, which brought unprecedented peace and development to Asia.

The One China Policy: What Would Nixon Do?

The One China Policy: What Would Nixon Do?

By Joseph Bosco
After the famous opening to China, Nixon and Kissinger's views of China policy diverged.

Is Kissinger’s Triangular Diplomacy the Answer to Sino-Russian Rapprochement?

Is Kissinger’s Triangular Diplomacy the Answer to Sino-Russian Rapprochement?

By Francis P. Sempa
To prevent a Sino-Russia security alliance, the U.S. should remember the advice of Henry Kissinger.

Did the United States Ever Really Have a China Strategy?

Did the United States Ever Really Have a China Strategy?

By Robert Farley
Instead of engaging China, the United States could (with great cost) have isolated it.
Why Kissinger’s South China Sea Approach Won’t Work

Why Kissinger’s South China Sea Approach Won’t Work

By Prashanth Parameswaran
Why an ideal approach to resolving the issue might not work so well in practice.

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