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Did Bombing Hiroshima and Nagasaki Save Lives?
By Ward Wilson
The question goes to the heart of the debate about the utility of nuclear weapons and the rationale for keeping them.

How Hiroshima and Nagasaki Saved Millions of Lives
By Zachary Keck
By showing the world the horrors of nuclear warfare, the atomic bombings made future ones much less likely.

Explosive Map Could Nudge Japan’s Public Toward Normalization
By Clint Richards
China’s attempts to shore up support could backfire and drive the Japanese in favor of collective self-defense.

Japan’s Beethoven Used Ghostwriter and Isn’t Deaf
By J.T. Quigley
The scandal surrounding Mamoru Samuragochi grows as his ghostwriter emerges.

Oliver Stone Denounces US Military Presence in Asia
While touring Asia this month Stone has called for an end to the US military’s presence in the region.

The Influence of Airpower Upon Asian History
All said, civilian aircraft has probably had a more transformational impact on Asia than military aircraft.

Bullying in Japan
The Japanese public’s response to evacuees from the tsunami and nuclear crisis has been positive. Mostly.

Are A-Bomb Jokes OK?
Quiz show QI caused controversy after jokes about a survivor of the Nagasaki and Hiroshima attacks. Did it go too far?
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