

Amid Debate Over LGBT Rights, Uzbek Authorities Victim-Blame Attacked Activist

Amid Debate Over LGBT Rights, Uzbek Authorities Victim-Blame Attacked Activist

By Catherine Putz
A blogger who suggested Uzbekistan decriminalize gay sex was brutally attacked. The Interior Ministry and others blame him for provoking the assault.

LGBT Community Targeted by Police in Indonesia

LGBT Community Targeted by Police in Indonesia

By Joshua Mcdonald
Homosexuality is legal in most of Indonesia, but attacks on the community have been on the rise in recent years. 
Afghanistan's Love-Hate Relationship With Homosexuality

Afghanistan's Love-Hate Relationship With Homosexuality

By Akhilesh Pillalamarri
Contrary to popular perception, some Islamic cultures have a long, vibrant history of tolerance for homosexual behavior.

A New Hope For India’s LGBT Community

A New Hope For India’s LGBT Community

By Sanjay Kumar
India's Supreme Court will revisit Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code, which criminalizes homosexuality.

South Koreans More Accepting of LGBT Community

By Steven Denney
South Koreans are increasingly accepting of homosexuality.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
Latest Video

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Asia Divided On Homosexuality

Asia Divided On Homosexuality

A new poll finds that Asia-Pacific nations differ drastically on whether they accept homosexuality.

Asia’s Gay-Friendliest Nation?

Asia’s Gay-Friendliest Nation?

A flexible view of sexuality has allowed gays to find a place in the community in the Philippines – as long as they stay focused on the family.

An Example for Indian Parents

An Example for Indian Parents

Parents in India can be too hands on. One mother’s easy acceptance of her son being gay suggests another approach.

Privilege of Privacy

Privilege of Privacy

A recent high-profile death reminds us how powerful broadcast media can be.

Diversity's OK, Sometimes

Diversity's OK, Sometimes

Two recent cases highlight the ongoing difficulties facing gays in India.

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