Houthi rebellion in Yemen

India and the Red Sea Imbroglio
By Anil Golani and Radhey Tambi
India, with its traditionally close ties with Iran and its increasing influence in the region, may have a role to play in alleviating the present crisis.

Singapore Says It Will Join US-Led Red Sea Operation
By Sebastian Strangio
The commitment is consistent with the city-state's long commitment to norms and rules supporting unimpeded global trade.

After Iran-Saudi Mediation, China Angles for Another Diplomatic Victory in Yemen
By Ladislav Charouz
A recent flurry of diplomatic activity shows China’s eagerness to score soft-power points – and to gain a foothold for investments in Yemen’s post-war reconstruction.

The Elephant in the Room During Xi's Trip to Saudi Arabia: Iran
By Shannon Tiezzi
By keeping a tight focus on bilateral ties, China hoped to avoid upsetting Iran during Xi's first trip to Saudi Arabia.

Interview: Hafiz Muhammad Saeed
By Hanne Couderé and Aftab Chaudry
Internationally designated terrorist Hafiz Muhammad Saeed on Kashmir, Yemen, and Pakistan's crackdown on the Taliban.

Indonesia Should Play a Role in Yemen Conflict
By Muhammad Zulfikar Rakhmat and Media Wahyudi Askar
Jakarta is well placed to mediate a resolution.

War in Yemen Threatens Pakistan’s Ties to the Gulf
By Saagar Enjeti
Pakistan’s middle ground between Iran and Saudi Arabia now seems tenuous.
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