
Hukou System

Hukous: Being Illegal in One’s Own Country

Hukous: Being Illegal in One’s Own Country

By Bonnie Girard
China’s hukou system is getting worse, not better.

A Train Ride Away: Long-Distance Parenting in China

A Train Ride Away: Long-Distance Parenting in China

By Miranda Zuo
The forces that drive parents to separate from their children, even temporarily.
Beijing’s Heavy-Handed Solution to Urbanization

Beijing’s Heavy-Handed Solution to Urbanization

By John Pabon
Beijing's attempts to push out migrant workers will have economic consequences.

Guangzhou Rental Reforms: A Step in the Right Direction for China’s Real Estate Market

Guangzhou Rental Reforms: A Step in the Right Direction for China’s Real Estate Market

By Spencer Sheehan
The new policies have limited scope for tenants and much more needs to be done.

Interview: Understanding China's 'Great Migration'

Interview: Understanding China's 'Great Migration'

By Shannon Tiezzi
An interview with Bradley M. Gardner about China's rural-to-urban migration.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
Latest Video

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

China's Hukou Restrictions Now Apply to Graveyards

China's Hukou Restrictions Now Apply to Graveyards

By Cal Wong
Suzhou has become the first Chinese city to ban the purchase of grave sites by people without a local residency permit.

China's Plan for 'Orderly' Hukou Reform

China's Plan for 'Orderly' Hukou Reform

By Shannon Tiezzi
China wants to grant hukous to 100 million migrants by 2020, but will be slow and selective in its reform.
China Wants Hukous for Its 13 Million Unregistered Citizens

China Wants Hukous for Its 13 Million Unregistered Citizens

By Shannon Tiezzi
Top Chinese leadership demanded an initiative to grant hukous to China's unofficial citizens.

Reforming China’s Migration Barriers

Reforming China’s Migration Barriers

By Gaurav Daga
If the hukou system reform is to be meaningful, it will have to be delinked from welfare benefits.

The Gaokao Exam: A Tough Test for China

The Gaokao Exam: A Tough Test for China

By Shannon Tiezzi
Debates over the grueling pre-college exam highlight fundamental issues facing Chinese society.

China's New Urbanization Plan

China's New Urbanization Plan

By Shannon Tiezzi
A major conference on urbanization in China prioritizes hukou reform over construction and relocation projects.
China’s Housing Crunch Takes to the Rooftops

China’s Housing Crunch Takes to the Rooftops

Hitherto illegal – and often bizarre – rooftop construction could be at least a partial solution to China’s urban housing crunch.

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