Hun Many

Remembering Heng Samrin and Cambodia’s Rebirth
By Luke Hunt
Luke Hunt speaks with veteran journalist Peter Starr about the career of one of the twentieth century’s greatest guerrilla commanders.

Cambodia’s Election: Mind the Numbers
By David Hutt
A closer look at some of the early figures coming out of the poll results and their significance.

Are Cambodia and Laos Really Any Closer to Resolving Their Border Dispute?
By Tae-jun Kang
Despite some incremental progress, deeper questions remain unresolved.

Why Cambodia Sanctions Will Fail
By Vannarith Chheang
A punitive approach will not stop the country’s democratic collapse.

Cambodia’s Hun Many Calls for Stronger US Ties
By Prashanth Parameswaran
The son of the country’s premier urges both sides to boost relations in spite of lingering differences.
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