

Japan Battles Backlash After Releasing Wastewater From Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant 

Japan Battles Backlash After Releasing Wastewater From Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant 

By Thisanka Siripala
The release of treated but still radioactive wastewater into the Pacific Ocean has exacerbated tensions with neighboring countries.

South Korea Endorses Japan’s Plan to Release Fukushima Wastewater, But Citizens’ Fears Persist

South Korea Endorses Japan’s Plan to Release Fukushima Wastewater, But Citizens’ Fears Persist

By Kim Tong-hyung
South Korean government officials and scientists insist that contamination levels would be within acceptable safety standards. The public isn’t convinced.
IAEA Chief Visits Fukushima Before Radioactive Water Is Released

IAEA Chief Visits Fukushima Before Radioactive Water Is Released

By Mari Yamaguchi
The Japanese government has been trying to gain credibility for the water release, which still faces persistent opposition in and outside Japan.

Fukushima: Depoliticizing the Release of Treated Water into the Ocean

Fukushima: Depoliticizing the Release of Treated Water into the Ocean

By AKIYAMA Nobumasa
It’s time to take the politics out of Fukushima.

Low Enriched Uranium Bank Officially Operational in Kazakhstan

Low Enriched Uranium Bank Officially Operational in Kazakhstan

By Catherine Putz
With its first delivery of LEU from France, the IAEA-owned and operated bank is officially operational.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Time for Global Action Against Radiological Threats

Time for Global Action Against Radiological Threats

By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
It’s time for greater efforts to confront this challenge.

Is a Nuclear Freeze an Option for North Korea?

Is a Nuclear Freeze an Option for North Korea?

By Hyuk Kim
Lessons from the Agreed Framework show the International Atomic Energy Agency must play a key role in any deal.
Why the Nuclear Security Summit Alone Won't Stop Nuclear Terrorism

Why the Nuclear Security Summit Alone Won't Stop Nuclear Terrorism

By Mariah A.V. Hays and Hannah E. Haegeland
The Nuclear Security Summit process has its limits; fortunately, the IAEA is well-positioned to address them.

It's Official: Nuclear-Related Sanctions Are Lifted on Iran, Nuclear Deal Implemented

It's Official: Nuclear-Related Sanctions Are Lifted on Iran, Nuclear Deal Implemented

By Ankit Panda
With the IAEA certifying Iran's compliance with technical constraints on its nuclear program, the nuclear deal is implemented.

Iran Deal Update: 11,000 Kilograms of Enriched Uranium Leave Iran for Russia

Iran Deal Update: 11,000 Kilograms of Enriched Uranium Leave Iran for Russia

By Ankit Panda
Iran has complied with a major requirement of the July 2015 nuclear deal and shipped thousands of kilograms of uranium out of the country.

Japan’s Yucca Mountain: Nuclear Reboot Raises Questions on Waste Storage

Japan’s Yucca Mountain: Nuclear Reboot Raises Questions on Waste Storage

By Logan Pettinato
The restart of Sendai 1 is nearly complete, but uncertainty looms over Japan’s disposal strategy for fresh nuclear waste.
India to Open Nuclear Program to Greater IAEA Scrutiny

India to Open Nuclear Program to Greater IAEA Scrutiny

By Ankit Panda
India will sign an additional protocol allowing the IAEA greater oversight over its civil nuclear program.

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