Imran Khan economic policy

Is Pakistan the Next Sri Lanka?
By Muhammad Akbar Notezai
Pakistan’s own economic crisis has sparked worried comparisons to the disaster unfolding in nearby Sri Lanka.

The Coming of Pakistan-China ‘Entente Cordiale 2.0’
By Abdur Rehman Shah
A relationship previously specific in scope has expanded beyond closed diplomatic corridors, bringing new challenges.

A Blueprint for Fixing Pakistan's Economy
By Uzair Younus
Imran Khan needs to make a diehard attempt to revitalize Pakistan's ailing economy. Here's how he can start.

Michael Kugelman on Pakistan's Future Under Imran Khan
By Muhammad Akbar Notezai
What will Pakistan’s foreign policy look like under new Prime Minister Imran Khan?

Pakistan’s New Leader Faces a Bailout Conundrum
By Yigal Chazan
Does Imran Khan approach the IMF or China? Neither option augurs well.
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