Imran Khan protests

Implications of Pakistan’s Terror Tagging of Political Opponents
By Abdul Basit
Charging political protestors under counterterrorism laws, even as extremist outfits are allowed to march in support of the military, will undermine Pakistan’s democracy.

Pakistan’s Chaos Is Not Good News for India
By Mohamed Zeeshan
The longer Pakistan's political crisis runs, the more vigilant India ought to be on its border.

No, Imran Khan Is not Pakistan’s Ayatollah Khomeini
By Umair Jamal
Unlike Iran’s Khomeini, the former Pakistani PM is neither a revolutionary nor is he seeking to overthrow established institutions as part of his so-called righteous struggle.

The Impact of Political Instability on Pakistan’s Internal Security
By Abdul Basit
Troops have been deployed in cities to quell violent protests. Militant groups could target them.

Prices Rose and Protests Convulsed South Asia in 2022
By Sudha Ramachandran
Depleting foreign exchange reserves forced several countries, including Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, and Pakistan, to turn to the IMF.

Pakistan’s Imran Khan, Supporters Start March to Islamabad
By Babar Dogar
The former prime minister is ramping up the pressure on the government that replaced him, demanding early elections.

Why Is Imran Khan Politicking While Floods Devastate Pakistan?
By Umair Jamal
The former PM does not want to weaken the momentum his campaign has built up against his political foes.
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