India-Africa Forum Summit

Africa-India Ties: The Continent’s Next Big Relationship or Over-Hyped?
By Barnaby Joseph Dye and Punkhuri Kumar
One year after India secured a seat at the G-20 for the African Union, the relationship has not lived up to expectations.

What Can India Offer Africa?
By Christian Kurzydlowski
Amid a growing rivalry with China, how can India set its African engagement strategy apart?

Thinking Africa: India, Japan, and the Asia-Africa Growth Corridor
By Titli Basu
Outlining India and Japan's approaches to Africa, separately and bilaterally.

Africa, China, India – Relationships in Transition?
By Tim Steinecke
Two major conferences highlight Africa’s evolving relations with the two Asian giants.

China and India in Africa
By Daouda Cissé
The two Asian powers are rapidly stepping up their engagement in Africa.

Evaluating India-Africa Maritime Relations
By Abhijit Singh
Partnering Africa requires that India work with it in the maritime realm.

India-Africa Forum Summit: A Precursor for Paris
By Syed A A Farhan
This week’s summit is affording India a major opportunity to build consensus on climate change.

India's Big African Opportunity
By Tim Steinecke
The postponed India-Africa Forum Summit remains an important opportunity for both players.
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